When we pay attention we can grow wise, learning from this incredible Earth that we share.
Education Founded in Place - A Guidebook for Implementation
The guidebook was designed as a tool to help answer a common question with place-based education which is, “Where do I start?” Developed as a scaffold of seven core concepts that align learning through place and link content connections to cross-curricular explorations, it offers an entry point - no matter your level of prior experience.
The core concepts are: developing student sense of place, practicing nature study and phenology, mapmaking, learning water fluency, creating cross-curricular connections, allowing for an emphasis on inquiry led investigations, and acknowledging that teachers are the “key” to success in place-based learning. The guidebook aims to enable students to address issues that often have a global scale on a local level, emboldening civic action that is accessible and meaningful, while encouraging students to steward the places where they live and learn.
Growing Elementary Education with Curriculum Founded in Place
By inviting our schoolyard habitats, neighborhoods, and communities back into the curriculum educators can reconnect their classrooms to place allowing the environment, both ecological and cultural, to serve as the foundation for meaningful learning.
Recipient of the 2019-2020 College of Education Dean’s Award for Outstanding Master’s Project
More resources coming soon!
“Attention is the beginning of devotion.” ~ Mary Oliver